Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Jump Rope for Heart Jumping Event Information

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The JRFH jumping event will be as follows:

4th grade- Thursday, Feb. 27 at 8:20-9:15

3rd grade- Friday, Feb. 28 at 11:20-12:15

Students will be bringing their fundraising envelopes to the gym that day, also.  They may also be bring their own jump rope, a book to read, and something to sit on.  

Guests are welcome to come and watch the students as long as they sign in at the office first.

You are welcome to come and jump rope with them(if physically able) especially during the last minute of the jumping event.  They always get a kick out of that.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
Every $50 we raise, helps save one life.


PE classes for February 10-14

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kindergarten-2nd grade will be finishing up their balance unit by using the balance beam, balance boards, and balance balls.

3rd and 4th grade just started their jump rope unit to get ready for Jump Rope for Heart.  This will be held within their PE classes on February 27 and 28.  Stay tuned for more information about this event.  Parents are invited to attend.

5th and 6th grade students will start and complete their cross country skiing this week.  The temperatures look great and the snow is perfect for skiing.  Students should come dressed to be outside.


Cross Country Skiing for 5th and 6th grade students

This is the last week that we will have the ski equipment here so we will be going out to cross country ski.  The temperatures will be above 0 and the snow is great.  Students should come prepared with winter snow attire to be ready for skiing.  Keep checking back for pictures.


Jump Rope for Heart Parent Information

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Pictures from the Live Healthy Iowa Kids Winter Olympics 5th and 6th grade students

Monday, February 3, 2014


Special Assembly on Tuesday, February 4 for Jump Rope for Heart

Amy Knoll from the American Heart Association will be here at 8:30 on February 4 to do a special presentation for the 3rd and 4th grade students.  The fundraising part of the Jump Rope for Heart will be explained.  Students will be coming home with their fundraising packets and the parent letters for this very important cause.  If you have any questions about the packets, please contact Mrs. Kern by email or calling extension 353.


Live Healthy Iowa Kids Parent Letter for 5th-6th grade students

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your child has accepted the challenge! Over the next ten weeks, our team will be taking a journey through Live Healthy Iowa Kid’s 10 Week Wellness Challenge. The challenge is designed to increase physical activity and encourage healthier food and beverage choices. Over the next ten weeks, your son/daughter will be tracking their activity minutes, as well as (during two week time periods), fruit consumption, vegetable consumption, ounces of milk, ounces of water and minutes in front of a screen (television, computer, phone, Gameboy, etc.). Outlined below is the tracking schedule. Every two weeks, they will bring home a new tracking sheet and at the end of the two weeks, your son/daughter will need to return the sheet to me by the following Monday (as outlined on the sheets).  Some students have chosen to leave their tracking sheets at school to have them readily available.

Tracking Dates
Items Tracked
Fruit Consumption and Physical Activity
Vegetable Consumption and Physical Activity
Milk Consumption and Physical Activity
Water Consumption and Physical Activity
Screen Time & Physical Activity

Your help and assistance in the challenge is vital; parents/guardians are a great support system! We will need your help reinforcing healthier food and beverage choices, providing healthier options and encouraging more physical activity.

Our team would enjoy being able to try new, healthy snacks that we may not have been able to try before! If you are able to provide our team with a new, healthy snack, let me know when you are able to provide that snack and what you are bringing! Please keep in mind the above schedule – we would like our snacks to align with what we are tracking!

Thank you for all of your support during this challenge!

Kay Kern

Team Captain


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