Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Junior High PE for February 11-22

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Monday, February 11- Sportstacking      LHIK recording sheets for January 29-February 8 due.  Worth 50 points

Tuesday, February 12- Badminton if at the high school.  If at Jacobson School-last day of Sportstacking
LHIK recording sheets for January 29-February 8 due.  Worth 50 points

Wednesday, February 13- Fitness or badminton

Thursday, February 14- Fitness or badminton

Friday, February 15- No School

Monday, February 18- No School

Tuesday, February 19-Badminton

Wednesday, February 20- Early Out

Thursday, February 21- Badminton or fitness

Friday, February 22- Badminton

Live Healthy Iowa Kids recording sheets for February 9-22.  Record vegetable servings and exercise minutes.


Live Healthy Iowa Kids Program

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

All of the 5th and 6th grade students and my junior high PE classes are taking part in the Live Healthy Iowa Program.  Students are keeping track of their exercise minutes and nutrition.  This is part of the statewide and countywide program to get students thinking more about being healthier and exercising more. 

Attached is the tracking sheets for the students to use.  These sheets were also handed out in PE class for the junior high students.  I'm keeping the 5th and 6th grade students' tracking sheets. 

As part of a kickoff, Lu Fink came and did Jazzercise for the 5th and 6th grade students.

Here is the link to the website for this program.


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