Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

January Results for Jacobson Elementary Walking Program

Monday, January 31, 2011

Thank you to Mr. Beecher for taking the pie in the face when he really didn’t have to!  Here are the REAL results for January: 

Kindergarten- 55%  (29% for December)

1st grade-27%  (17% for December)

2nd grade- 41% (27% for December)

3rd grade- 43%  (25% for December)

4thgrade- 61% (42% for December)

5th grade- 52% (23% for December)

6th grade- 56% (20% for December)

The school average for the month of January was 48%!  Here is what we have had so far for each month this school year: September-37%, October-29%, November-35%, December-26%.  So as you can see having the “pie in the face” challenge helped boost our scores.  

This month, we walked approximately 2519 miles.  That was enough mile to walk from Belmond to the capitol of Arkansas(Little Rock), Michigan(Lansing), Wyoming(Cheyenne), and Tennessee(Nashville).  We have had enough miles this school year to walk from Belmond to 22 state capitols.

In case you didn’t know, we keep track of how many of each grade level come in every morning to the before-school program.  Using the enrollment of each grade level, I calculate the percentage of participation of each grade level.  To keep mileage, I just average 15 laps per day per student.  From there, I have an approximation of mileage achieved per month. 

Congratulations to the 4th grade for winning the trophies again for the month of January.  Some grade level is going to have to beat them!  Congratulations to the 6th grade for having the best improvement from December. 

I have heard through the grapevine that we have a superintendent that is interested in a pie in the face or wet sponge throw in the face.  More details will be out in a later date.


PE classes for January 24-28

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kindergarten: Throwing Lesson 1. Circle Dances on Wacky Wednesday
1st grade: Throwing Lesson 1 and 2.  Circle Dances on Wacky Wednesday
2nd grade: Throwing Lesson 1 and 2. Sportstacking on Wacky Wednesday
3rd  and 4th grade: Sport stacking. Square dancing on Wacky Wednesday
5th and 6th grade: Sport stacking


Jacobson Elementary Walking Program for January 24-28

Monday, January 24: K-2 Shooting baskets, 3-6 Walking
Tuesday, January 25: K-6 walking with the BMC employees
Wednesday, January 26: K-6 Sportstacking
Thursday, January 27: 4-6 shooting baskets, K-3 Walking
Friday, January 28: K-6 Long jump rope


Live Healthy Iowa Kids Reporting Sheets

Monday, January 17, 2011

Click on the Live Iowa Healthy Kids link found on my blog site here.  Under resources, click on fitness plans.  From there you will click on individual trackers and the reporting sheets will come up.  You can print from the website to get your tracker sheet for whichever reporting period that you need.  These will be handed in to Ms. Trampel as soon after each deadline for each of the 4 reporting periods.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Remember the goal is 60 minutes of exercise five days a week or 300 minutes per week.  GO EXERCISE!!!!


Pack the Gym Day results from January 14

Kindergarten   46%
1st grade   40%
2nd grade  48%
3rd grade   55%
4th grade   66%
5th grade    83%
6th grade    66%
Total  58%

The 5th grade students were the winners of the Pack the Gym day.  They will get to shoot baskets on Monday during the walking program.


K-6 grade PE classes for January 17-21

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kindergarten: Star Lab on Tuesday
Balance Unit Lesson 4 on Friday.  Balance Beam testing
1st grade:Star Lab on Tuesday
Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks on Wednesday
Tag games and balance testing on Friday
2nd grade: Balance Unit Lesson 3 on Monday
Rythyms and Dance on Wednesday
Balance Unit Lesson 4 on Thursday.  Balance beam testing
3rd grade: Sport Stacking on Monday and Thursday
Star Lab on Wednesday
4th grade: Go over Jump Rope for Heart materials on Tuesday. Sportstacking on Friday
Star Lab on Wednesday
5th grade: Sport Stacking on Monday and Thursday
6th grade: Star Lab on Wednesday


Jacobson Elementary Walking Program Schedule for January 17-21

Monday, January 17: Walking for K-4, 6th grade.  Pack the Gym day winners, 5th grade students, will be shooting baskets.
Tueady, January 18: Walking with the Belmond Medical Center Employees
Wednesday, January 19: Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks
Thursday, January 20: K-3rd grade students shooting baskets; 4th-6th grade students walking
Friday, January 21: Jump Rope


Something NEW in the Jacobson Elementary PE program

Friday, January 14, 2011

The 2nd-6th grade students are doing a new unit in PE classes called Sport Stacking. It involves using specialized cups called Speed Stacks and stacking them in a certain order called stacks such as 3-3-3, 3-6-3, or 1-10-1 stack.  The actual competition involves using all of these for the cycle stack.  Many activities can be used while doing the stacks.  Fitness activities with Sport Stacking are amongst the favorite of the students,  Speed Stacks can be used in the classroom or at home, also.

What are the benefits of Sport Stacking?

Sport Stacking helps students develop bilateral proficiency equal performance on both sides of the body. By increasing bilateral proficiency, a student develops a greater percentage of the right side of the brain, which houses awareness, focus, creativity and rhythm. Stacking helps train the brain for sports and other activities where the use of both hands is important, such as playing a musical instrument or using the computer. Sequencing and patterning are also elements of sport stacking, which can help with reading and math skills.


Sport Stacking Benefits


Sport Stacking is a fitness based sport that kids from all backgrounds and abilities can do. For the athlete and non-athlete alike, regardless if you are instructing eighth graders or kindergartners, sport stacking can be a great enhancement for your fitness routine. With over 70 fitness based activities, sport stacking helps to motivate kids to be active and fit. Teachers and parents also like sport stacking because it can be done at home. Much like a Scholastic book order encourages kids to read at home, a Group Order through Speed Stacks encourages fitness at home.


One of the comments we receive consistently from teachers, parents and school administrators is how sport stacking levels the playing field for their kids. Non-Athletic kids can now compete head to head with their more athletic counterparts. This significantly raises their self-esteem, motivating them to work harder in PE and be excited to participate. It's a WIN, WIN!


Today schools, teachers and parents are focused more than ever on academic achievement. Sport stacking not only promotes physical fitness, but also academic learning. Students that sport stack on a regular basis have shown increases in test scores and levels of concentration. This is achieved by students using both their right and left sides of their brain. When students sport stack they are crossing the "midline" of their bodies and developing new connections in their brains. These new connections help to spur brain growth which in turn promotes greater academic achievement.

Jacobson Elementary is doing a school order.  If your family would like to order Speed Stacks and other equipment, please fill out the order form that your child brought home and send it back to school with the money.  You may also go online at speedstacks.com and order through our school group account. 


Live Healthy Iowa Kids Program Parent Letter

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your son or daughter will be participating in a nutrition and physical activity program. Live Healthy Iowa Kids is a 100 day program for Iowa youth that teaches the importance of healthy eating, being physically active and that fitness is fun! This is the seventh year for the program and we wanted the youth of our community to join in the quest for healthy living. Live Healthy Iowa Kids is a program of the Iowa Sports Foundation dba Iowa Games in conjunction with Iowa State University Extension, Live Healthy Iowa and the Iowa Department of Public Health.

As a part of this program we will explore a wide variety of topics related to health and physical activity. Your child will be requested to track his or her physical activity minutes and nutrition. A large wall chart will be posted so the team members can see their achievements and be encouraged to continue being active. Each month I will report our team’s activity minutes and nutrition. If we meet the physical activity and nutrition requirements we will be placed in to a drawing to have a chance to win one of several monetary awards!

Team members will be encouraged to be active within their own comfort level. Our goal is to help each team member strive for and recognize gains in his or her fitness level and make healthy eating choices.

Please help us make Live Healthy Iowa Kids a successful program by encouraging your child and acting as a role model yourself. If you would like more information about the Live Healthy Iowa Kids program call me at extension 353 or visit www.iowasportsfoundation.org. You may also find information about it on my school blog: jacobsonelementarygymshorts.blogspot.com. 


Kay Trampel
PE teacher


Incentive for the January Walking Program

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4th grade classes once again won the best percentage participation for the month of December in the walking program.  Congratulations to the 4th graders. So far only the 3rd and 4th graders have won the trophies for the highest participation percentage for a month.

We have a new incentive in place for the month of January.  If one of these grades: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 5th or 6th grade can beat the 3rd and 4th grade classes, we have a special event happening.  In short form what it means is that anyone but the 3rd or 4th grade classes must win the highest percentage of participation for the month of January to be able to put a PIE IN MR. BEECHER’s FACE!!!  If the 3rd OR 4th graders win then they will get to put a pie in Mrs.Trampel's  face!!


Jacobson Elementary Walking Program Results for December

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jacobson Elementary Walking Program Results
December 2010
Kindergarten: 29%
1st grade: 17%
2nd grade: 27%
3rd grade: 25%
4th grade: 42%
5th grade: 23%
6th grade: 20%
Jacobson Elementary overall average participation was 26%.  Total number of students walking overall was 1997 which was 29955 laps or 1577 miles.  That was enough miles to walk from Belmond to the capitols of Texas(Austin) and Oklahoma(Oklahoma City). 
We had the “Pack the Gym” day on December 10 to see which grade level could get the highest percentage of walkers.  The 4th graders won by a close margin with a 59% margin.  The 5th graders had 58%.  The 4th grade students had a special morning to shoot baskets for their reward.  The next “Pack the Gym” day will be January 14.
We had guests from the Belmond Medical Center walk with us every Tuesday.  On the last Tuesday, there was a drawing with a prize from the BMC won by Desiree German.  We also some basketball shooting days and a hula hoop contest.  Hula Hoop contest winners were as follows: Kindergarten-Ethan; 1st grade-Kylie; 2nd grade- Madison; 3rd grade-Brynn; 4th grade-Omar, Kelsey, Taylor, Hailey, Easton B., Jacob, Koty; 5th grade-Kyle W.; 6th grade- Ebony, Ashlyn


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