Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Bowling Unit Reminder

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5th and 6th grade students and 8th period junior high PE students- don't forget to get your bowling money turned in to go bowling at the Sparetime Lanes Bowling Alley.  It is $9.00 for the junior high students and $7.00 for the elementary students.  Please pay the office at your school.


Bowling for 5th and 6th grade students

Thursday, November 29, 2012

5th and 6th grade students are doing the bowling unit.  They will be going bowling 3 times at the SpareTime Lanes in Belmond.  The cost will be $7.00.  Please have your child pay their money to be able to bowl.

6th grade students will be bowling on December 3, 5, and 7 from  11:00-12:30.  

5th grade students will be bowling on December 10, 12, and 14 from 11:00-12:30.


Junior High PE December 3-19

Money for Bowling Unit is needed for 3 times of bowling.  Cost will be $9.00.  Please turn into Deanna Branstad by December 3.

December 3- Green Day  Turn in bowling scoring assignment
Basketball games
December 4- Blue Day  Turn in bowling scoring assignment
Basketball games
December 5- Green Day   Early Out

December 6- Blue Day
Basketball games
December 7- Green Day

Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 10- Blue Day
Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 11- Green Day
Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 12- Blue Day
Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 13- Green Day
Basketball games
December 14- Blue Day
Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 17- Green Day
Bowling at the Sparetime Lanes
December 18- Blue Day   Snow day makeup for bowling
Basketball games
December 19- Green day  Early Out


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Junior High PE Class Activities for November 19-29

November 19- Blue Day: Jazzercise

November 20- Green Day: Jazzercise

November 26-Blue Day: Bowling Information   No high school gym available.  

November 27-Green Day: Bowling Information   Boys Basketball players and mgrs leave early

November 28- Blue Day: Bowling Information-Assignment due

November 29-Green Day: Bowling Information-Assignment due

November 30-Blue Day: Fitness Games

Money for Bowling Unit is needed for 3 times of bowling.  Cost will be $9.00.  Please turn into Deanna Branstad by December 3.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

On November 12 and 14, the 6th grade students will watch a video on maturation.  There will be time for questions and discussion on those days with the students.  The boys will have their video and discussion with school nurse, Dennett Showalter and the girls will be with Ms. K. Trampel.
On November 13 and 15, the 5th grade students will have their video and discussion.  The boys will be in the music room with school nurse Dennett Showalter and the girls will be in Ms. Bram's room with Ms. K. Trampel.
If you have any questions, please contact one of us. 

Kay Trampel  kay.trampel@bkcsd.org
Dennett Showalter  dennett.showalter@bkcsd.org


Elementary PE for October 29-November 2

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kindergarten/1st grade: Parachute Unit
2nd grade: Parachute Unit
3rd grade: Pull up fitness test/flexibility test
4th grade: Practice for Halloween sing/fitness tests
5th/6th grade:Volleyball written test over rules. Fitness tests


Junior High PE October 22-November 9

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22: Green day-Flag football

Tuesday, October 23: Blue day- Early out

Wednesday, October 24: Green day-Do games with 2nd grade students

Thursday, October 25: Blue day-Fitness tests

Monday, October 29: Green day-Floor Hockey

Tuesday, October 30: Blue day-Floor Hockey

Wednesday, October 31: Green day-Floor Hockey

Thursday, November 1: Blue day- Floor Hockey

Friday, November 2: Green day-Floor Hockey

Monday, November 5: Blue day-Floor Hockey

Tuesady, November 6: Green day-Jazzercise

Wednesday, November 7: Blue day-Early Out

Thursday, November 8:Green day-Fitness Activities

Friday, November 9:Blue day-Fitness Activities


Saturday, October 13, 2012

In junior high PE, we are doing a very interesting unit called geocaching.  A lot of people don't know a lot about it so in the information below, you can learn all about it.  Junior high students are doing a form of it and maybe will even have time to find a real "cache" that is located in Belmond on the trail.

The Game of Geocaching

Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. 
Geocaching also involves moving(exercising) in the outdoors without you even realizing that you are exercising.

History of Geocaching- May, 2000

How is the game played
At its simplest level, geocaching requires these 7 steps:
1.     Register for a free Basic Membership.
2.     Visit the "Hide & Seek a Cache" page.
3.     Enter your postal code and click "search."
4.     Choose any geocache from the list and click on its name.
5.     Enter the coordinates of the geocache into your GPS Device.
6.     Use your GPS device to assist you in finding the hidden geocache.
7.      Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location.

Rules of geocaching
1.     If you take something from the geocache (or "cache"), leave something of equal or greater value.
2.     Write about your find in the cache logbook.
3.     Log your experience at www.geocaching.com.

What do you need to go geocaching?
The only necessities are a GPS device or a GPS-enabled mobile phone so that you can navigate to the cache

Where are geocaches located?
Geocaches can be found all over the world. It is common for geocachers to hide caches in locations that are important to them, reflecting a special interest or skill of the cache owner. They may be at your local park, at the end of a long hike, underwater or on the side of a city street.

What does a geocache look like?
Geocaches vary greatly in size and appearance. In the field you will see everything from large, clear plastic containers to film canisters to a fake rock with a secret compartment.
So, how do you find the cache?  
There are many things to know about searching for a cache. For instance, did you know that there is a slight "error" to every GPS device due to technological limitations? Your device can get you close to the cache, but there are a number of things to consider when looking.
What’s usually in a cache?
In its simplest form, a cache always contains a logbook or logsheet for you to log your find. Larger caches may contain a logbook and any number of items. These items turn the adventure into a true treasure hunt. You never know what the cache owner or visitors to the cache may have left for you to enjoy. Remember, if you take something, leave something of equal or greater value in return.

Hiding Geocaches

Members of the geocaching community hide and maintain all of the geocaches listed on Geocaching.com. You can hide one too!
Our Geocaching Unit
Lesson 1: DVD, Learn how to us GPS unit with activity sheet.
Lesson 2: Find the "treasure" with way points/Activity #1
Lesson 3: Set your own “treasure’ out/Activity #2
Find a real geocache in Belmond


Junior High 8th period PE for October 1-12

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monday, October 1- Blue day: Volleyball Unit           7th grade volleyball students will be leaving early

Tuesday, October 2- Green day: Volleyball Unit        7th/8th grade volleyball students will be leaving early

Wednesday, October 3- Early Out

Thursday, October 4- Green day: Geocaching Unit  Learning to use the GPS units with the GPS Fun Worksheet.  Dress for cool weather.

Friday, October 5- Blue day: Geocaching Unit   Learning to use the GPS units with the GPS Fun  Worksheet.  Dress for cool weather.

Monday, October 8- Green day: Geocaching Unit  GPS Activity 2 Worksheet

Tuesday, October 9-Blue day: JHVB will not be in class because of early dismissal.  Rest of class will have free time in the weight room.

Wednesday, October 10- Homecoming Activities

Thursday, October 11-Blue day:   Geocaching Unit  GPS Activity 2 Worksheet.  Dress for cold weather

Friday, October 12  Homecoming Parade

PE makeups can still be turned in to Ms. Trampel.  If you have any questions about how to make up PE class, please email me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org.


Jacobson Elementary Healthiest State Initiative/Fall Fitness Day-October 3rd

The Healthiest State Initiative is a privately led public initiative intended to inspire Iowans and their communities throughout the state to improve their health and happiness. To achieve our goal, individuals, families, businesses, faith-based organizations, not-for-profits and the public sector will unite in a community-focused effort to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by 2016.  Organized walks are being planned throughout the state.  The total number of walkers will then be tallied by the "Healthiest State" Organization.
At Jacobson Elementary, staff and students will be participating in the school-wide walk on Wednesday, October 3 at 9:00 a.m. in front of Jacobson Elementary School.  All parents, grandparents, and community members are invited to participate in the walk.  The walkers will be using much of the walking trails in Belmond but will end up on the new sidewalk south of the school by the playground.  This addition to the sidewalk system in Belmond helps the students walk or bicycle to school safely.
If you would like to walk, please join us in front of Jacobson Elementary at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 3.
If you have any questions, please call me at extension 353 or email me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org.


Five Parts of Fitness and Target Heart Rate for Junior High Students

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Five Components of Fitness
Target Heart Rate

Five Components of Fitness
ABSEF: All Bodies Should Exercise Forever
A-aerobic endurance(cardio-vascular endurance)-heart, lungs and blood vessels working together to move oxygen efficiently. 
How we improve this is through the FIT principle: Frequency-how often-4-5 times a week, Intensity-how hard 140-189 beats per minute for 6th-10th graders, and Time-20 minutes non-stop is the minimum.
B-body composition-having fat and muscle in proper proportion.
S-strength(muscular strength)-muscles working over a short period of time.
E-endurance(muscular endurance)-muscles working together over a long period of time.
F-flexibility-ability of your joints to move through their full range of motion
Two important reasons why it is important to be flexible is to 1)prevent injuries and 2)perform better in sports.

Calculating Target Heart Rate

 220-your age x 80%

Target Heart Rate _____________

This is the heart rate a person should be at for at least 20 minutes, 3-5 times a week.


Junior High Gym Shorts Sept. 17-21

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Monday, Sept.17    Blue Day   No gym available
Fitness workout in the weight room
Learn parts of fitness

Tuesday, Sept. 18   Green Day   No gym available
Warm ups/Stretches
Flag Football on football field

Wednesday, Sept. 19   Blue Day
Early out

Thursday, Sept. 20   Green Day
Volleyball team and cross team leaving at 2:45.  Over half of the class will be gone.
Free time in the weight room for the rest of the class.

Friday, Sept. 21   Blue Day
Warm ups/Stretches
Flag Football on the football field

Mid term is Friday, September 21.  If you want to change your grade from a zero to full credit for classes that you have been absent, please get them in to Mrs. Trampel by Friday.  You do have until the end of the quarter to get the absences made up.

If you have any questions, please call me at extension 363 or email me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org.


PE Notes for the Week of September 4-7

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tuesday, September 4  Green Day

4th Grade: Soccer Skills
6th grade: Soccer Skills
2nd grade: Personal space and moving space activities/Kicking Skills
7th/8th grade: Speedball- Outside on the football field

Wednesday, September 5  Blue Day    Early out schedule
3rd grade:  Soccer Skills
5th grade: 3 on 3 soccer game outside
Kindergarten: PE and Music together
1st grade  PE and Music together
7th/8th grade: Early out schedule

Thursday, September 6  Green Day
4th Grade: 3 on 3 soccer game outside
6th grade: Soccer game outside
2nd grade: Review kicking skills.  Kicking game
7th/8th grade: Speedball- Outside on the football field

Friday, September 7   Blue Day
3rd grade: 3 on 3 soccer game outside
5th grade: 3 on 3 soccer game outside
Kindergarten: Movement in special spot
1st grade: Moving space/Kicking skills
7th/8th grade:  Speedball-Outside on the football field


Junior High PE classes-8th hour

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mrs. Trampel’s Junior High PE classes- Period 8
I am really excited to teach junior high students again.  It has been 6 years since I last had junior high students in a PE class.  What an exciting year it is going to be in physical education during 8th period PE classes.  The room that we have in the gym and sometimes the outside field will allow us to do varied activities and increase student’s success.  Physical Education is essential in every student’s life.  It not only develops you physically, but also cognitively and emotionally.  It is our hope with a diverse curriculum that you will strive to be physically active once you leave Belmond-Klemme Junior/Senior High School.  Our overall goal is to teach you to be lifelong learners in physical activity.

·         Follow directions first time given
·         Be respectful to peers, teachers, self, and equipment
·         Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself
·         Work hard  and go above your potential
·         Have fun

·         Loss of points for the day and possible detention

You will be assessed in a variety of ways
·         Participation/Effort-20 points                      
·         Respect-20 points                                                 
·         Being prepared for class-10points
·         Written/skill tests-varies
Maximum number of points given per class day is 50 points.

All students need to come to class ready to participate according to the activities for class.  This would usually mean shorts, t-shirt and running shoes. Be in the gym walking and ready to go by 2:35.  After that, you will be counted tardy.  Being tardy 10 minutes or more, counts as an absence.
To be able to get a passing grade, most absences will need to be made up.  Check with me on what you can do to make up class.  Sometimes what we do in class could be made up.  Otherwise there are several examples listed below as to what can be used for makeup.  Basic rule is that school athletic practices and competitions cannot be used for makeup.  Relatives cannot sign you off for a makeup.
Some examples of make ups for class:
Fitness center workout, golfing, bowling, dance classes, community service, Jazzercise classes, swimming, weightlifting at school. You need to bring a signed form to me to make up class.  Only 3 absences may be made up outside of school.  After that, classes may be made up by coming to another PE class during the school day.

Medical Excuses:
A medical excuse must be signed by a physician to excuse you from activity in a PE class.  If you do not have one, an alternative activity will be given for you to do.

Class Calendar:
Please take a class calendar, if you are interested.  Activities may change as necessary due to weather, classroom availability, and equipment.

My contact information
I’m only at this building during 8th hour.  Otherwise, you can find me at Jacobson Elementary from 7:20-2:20.  Most of the time, I will go back to Jacobson after 8th period class and finish out my day there.  If you have questions at any time this semester, please email me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org or call me at extension 353 and leave a message.  I keep my blog updated weekly so you can check my blog called “Jacobson Elementary Gymshorts” to keep informed about what’s going on in 8th period PE class.  It will be listed under the Jacobson Elementary Blogs. Click on my name.

_______________________________                      _________________________________         
Student Signature                                                       Parent Signature

Turn in this sheet for a grade by next PE class period- 5 points by next class time, 3 points by second class, and 0 points after that.  I will be keeping this form.  If you want a copy, please let me know.

Mrs. Trampel


Welcome to the Jacobson Elementary/Junior High PE Department

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to all of you to a brand new school year.  I'm very excited for this new year.  We have many things, new and old,  planned for this school year in the PE department.  For those of you who don't know me, I'm Mrs. Trampel, K-8 PE teacher.  Stop in to see me during the elementary conferences.  I'll be in the gymnasium to welcome you.  If I'm at the junior/senior high teaching classes, I will leave a note to let you know where I'm located. 

I do have a short parent note for all K-4 students located below in blue.  The second note is to parents of 5th and 6th grade students.   All classroom teachers will have one for you at conferences.  If you don't get one, you may pick one up in the gymnasium.

If you ever have any questions, please emaill me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org or call me at extension 353 and leave a message.  I'm here to help your son/daughter have a fun and positive "exercise-filled" experience.

Dear Parent/Guardians of K-4th grade students,
Welcome to the Jacobson Elementary gymnasium.  The gym floor has been resurfaced and looks like a new floor again.  Our custodians worked really hard this summer painting the walls with our school colors.  Our community, staff, and students are very proud of what we have here for our facilities.  We all do our best to try and keep it that way throughout the school year.
We have a lot of fun activities going on here in the gym during physical education classes and sometimes outside when the weather is nice.  For your child to be successful and positive about what we are doing here he/she needs clean PE shoes that can be tied or fastened securely by the student.  Also, shoes that are not secured can fly off and hit other students.  If your child can’t tie their shoes, please work with them so they can learn to tie their shoes.  Getting them Velcro shoes is another option. 
When the weather is nice and we go out for PE class, outside running shoes should be worn for class.  Flip flops and sandals are not safe for the students to wear.  Usually, we don’t want them to wear their PE shoes since they could become muddy or full of grass.  If they do, the student is responsible in getting their shoes cleaned off before they use them in the gymnasium.

Dear Parent/Guardians of 5th/6th grade students,
Welcome to the Jacobson Elementary gymnasium.  The gym floor has been resurfaced and looks like a new floor again.  Our custodians worked really hard this summer painting the walls with our school colors.  Our community, staff, and students are very proud of what we have here for our facilities.  We all do our best to try and keep it that way throughout the school year.
We have a lot of fun activities going on here in the gym during physical education classes.  For your child to be successful and positive about what we are doing in class he/she needs clean PE shoes that can be tied or fastened securely by the student.
When the weather is nice and we go outside for PE class, outside running shoes should be worn for class.  Flip flops and sandals are not safe for the students to wear.  Usually, we don’t want them to wear their PE shoes since they could become muddy or full of grass.  If they do, the student is responsible in getting their shoes cleaned off before they can use them in the gymnasium. 
5th and 6th grade students will need PE clothes for class.  This would mean shorts/sweats, t-shirt and a towel.  Students have a PE locker to keep all of their items in it.  The school does not provide a padlock to secure the locker.  Students can put their own padlock on the locker.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
I’m looking forward to a great school year.  If you have any questions, please email me or call me.

Mrs. Trampel, K-8 PE teacher


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bicycle Rodeo on May 17PDFPrintE-mail
On Thursday, May 17th, the Belmond Medical Center/ Wright Medical Center and the Iowa State Patrol along with Jacobson Elementary are sponsoring a bicycle rodeo. 1st-4th grade students will be participating in different stations of bicycle safety and riding.  Students will need to have a bicycle and a bicycle helmet available to participate in the bicycle rodeo.  This is a fun activity and also helps the kids learn about bicycle safety.  If you have any questions, please call Kay Trampel at extension 353.


Jacobson Elementary Track Meet
Tuesday, May 22 
3rd-6th grade students
9:00-11:30(or whenever it is finished)
Order of events
3rd grade 50M Dash
4th grade 100 M Dash
5th grade 100 M Dash
6th grade 100 M Dash 
3rd grade 200M Run
4th grade 200M Run
5th grade 200 M Run
6th grade 200M Run 
4th grade 400M Run
5th grade 400M Run
6th grade 400M Run 
5th/6thgrade 4 x 100M Relays
K-2nd grade
12:30-2:30(or whenever it is finished)
Order of events
Kindergarten 40M Dash
1st grade 50M Dash
2nd grade 50 M Dash
Kindergarten Softball Throw
1st grade 200M Run
2nd grade 200M Run


Walking Program for March 12-16

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12: 3rd-6th grade students
Tuesday, March 13: PS-2nd grade students
Wednesday, March 14: 3rd-6th grade students
Thursday, March 15: PS-2nd grade students
Friday, March 16: 3rd-6th grade studen


Pe class activities for February 28-March 2

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kindergarten- Keep practicing for the Fine Arts program; Throwing Unit

1st grade- Keep practicing for the Fine Arts program.  Throwing unit

2nd grade-Keep practicing for the Fine Arts program; Throwing Unit

3rd grade- Long Jump Rope

4th grade-Long Jump Rope

5th grade-Sport stacking

6th grade- Sport stacking


Jacobson Elementary Before-School Walking/Exercise Program for February 27-March 2

Monday- 3rd-6th grade students

Tuesday- PS-2nd grade students

Wednesday-3rd-6th grade students

Thursday-PS-2nd grade students

Friday-3rd-6th grade students

Prizes will be given out on Friday for the month of February.  The top class will get a popcorn party with the overall top students getting a water bottle and bag.


Jump Rope for Heart

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The 3rd and 4th grade students will be having the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart on Friday, February 24 at 1:00 pm.  The students are getting donations to help people with heart disease.  They also will jump rope in teams of three for one hour.  Students will also get prizes for the amount of donations that they receive.  Please help the students by giving a donation.


Walking Program for February 20-24

Monday, February 20: PS-2nd grade  2nd grade students will be getting bananas and bottled water from Lu Fink

Tuesday, February 21: 3rd-6th grade

Wednesday, February 22:  PS-2nd grade

Thursday, February 23: 3rd-6th grade  Miscellaneous activities will be offered

Friday, February 24: PS-2nd grade


PE class activities for February 13-18

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, February 13
6th grade-Sport stacking activities
2nd grade- Valentines day game
4th grade-Jump rope skills

Tuesday, February 14
5th grade- Sport stacking activities
Kindergarten-Valentines Day game
1st grade- Valentines Day game
3rd grade-Schedule change for parties.  Valentines Day game

Wednesday, February 15
6th grade-Sport Stacking activities
2nd grade- All 2nd grade together at 10:30.  Practice for Fine Arts Festival
4th grade- Early out schedule  Jump rope activities

Thursday, February 16
No gym available because of spring pictures
5th grade- Puberty movie and discussion
Kindergarten- In music room for video
1st grade- In music room for video
3rd grade- Jump rope activities

Friday, February 17
6th grade- Puberty video and talk
2nd grade- underhand throwing and activities
4th grade_ Jump rope activities


Walking Program for February 13-17

Monday, February 13: 3rd-6th grade

Tuesday, February 14: PS-2nd grade

Wednesday, February 15:  3rd-6th grade

Thursday, February 16: Spring pictures in the gym.  No walking prgram

Friday, February 17: 3rd-6th grade   Bananas and bottles of water will be handed out from Lu and Tiffany Fink


Walking Program for January 30-February 3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday, January 30: 3rd-6th grade students
Tuesday, January 31: PS-2nd grade students
Wednesday, February 1: 3rd-6th grade students
Thursday, February 2: PS-2nd grade students
Friday, February 3: 3rd-6th grade students

January walking program results will be on Wednesday, February 1.


PE classes for January 30-February 3

Kindergarten: Parachute Unit-Parachute activities with the parachute

1st Grade: Parachute Unit-Parachute activities with the parachute

2nd Grade: Parachute Unit-Parachute activities with the parachute

3rd Grade: Basketball Unit/Learn the major muscles of the body

4th Grade: Basketball Unit/Learn the major muscles of the body

5th grade: Basketball Unit

6th grade: Basketball Unit


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