Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Live Healthy Iowa Kids Program

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Live Healthy Iowa Kids Program starts this week for the 5th and 6th grade students.  They will be recording exercise minutes.  They will also be keeping track of nutrition items such as fruit and vegetables eaten in a day.  

To start off this beneficial program, we will be having the "Kickoff" this week either on Thursday or Friday.  It is an outside event so we will be keeping an eye on the weather and pick the best day of the two to be outside for the "snow activities".  The classes will be competing against each other in fun, friendly team competitions involving outdoor snow exercise activities. 
Students should bring outside cold weather attire for these activities.

Starting next week, students will be recording their exercise minutes in class to work towards a team goal. The goal is 60 minutes of exercise every day for 5 days out of a week for each individual student.  Each class will competing with many other teams in the state that are participating in LHIK program.


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