Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Sept. 30-Oct. 5

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monday, Sept. 30: No classes. Professional Development for teachers.

Tuesday, Oct. 1: White Day
       4R- Fitness Testing
           KM- Kicking skill Test, Practice pull ups
          1W- Kicking skill test, Practice pull ups
          2J- Finish fitness testing, Kicking skill tests
          3B- Make thank you cards, sit up test, practice flexibility test
          5B- Go over canoeing skills, fitness testing
          6-2- Go over canoeing skills, fitness testing
          5th Health-Finish project and present to the class

Wednesday, Oct. 2: Blue Day
Note: School Picture Day in the gym.  No gym available to use.
      4J- Fitness Testing  Jogging/Walking test on the track
         KJ- Practice walking on the trail for Fall Fitness Day
         1T- Practice walking on the trail for Fall Fitness Day
         5M- Canoeing
         No Health class

Thursday, Oct. 3: Green Day
         4M- Finish Fitness Testing, Flag Football        
         KM- Games Unit: Uncle Sam, Mr. Fox
         2K- Practice pull ups, Flex test
         3S- Finish sit up test, practice flex test and pull ups, test flex test
         5H- Canoeing
         6-1- Canoeing
         No Health class
Friday, Oct. 4: White Day
       4R- Fitness Testing, Flag Football
          KM- Pull up test, games unit
          1W- Pull up test, games unit
          2J- Pull up test, games unit
          3B-  flexibility test, practice pull ups
          5B-  Canoeing
          6-2- Canoeing
          5th Health- No class


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