Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On November 12 and 14, the 6th grade students will watch a video on maturation.  There will be time for questions and discussion on those days with the students.  The boys will have their video and discussion with school nurse, Dennett Showalter and the girls will be with Ms. K. Trampel.
On November 13 and 15, the 5th grade students will have their video and discussion.  The boys will be in the music room with school nurse Dennett Showalter and the girls will be in Ms. Bram's room with Ms. K. Trampel.
If you have any questions, please contact one of us. 

Kay Trampel  kay.trampel@bkcsd.org
Dennett Showalter  dennett.showalter@bkcsd.org


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