Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Jacobson Elementary Healthiest State Initiative/Fall Fitness Day-October 3rd

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Healthiest State Initiative is a privately led public initiative intended to inspire Iowans and their communities throughout the state to improve their health and happiness. To achieve our goal, individuals, families, businesses, faith-based organizations, not-for-profits and the public sector will unite in a community-focused effort to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by 2016.  Organized walks are being planned throughout the state.  The total number of walkers will then be tallied by the "Healthiest State" Organization.
At Jacobson Elementary, staff and students will be participating in the school-wide walk on Wednesday, October 3 at 9:00 a.m. in front of Jacobson Elementary School.  All parents, grandparents, and community members are invited to participate in the walk.  The walkers will be using much of the walking trails in Belmond but will end up on the new sidewalk south of the school by the playground.  This addition to the sidewalk system in Belmond helps the students walk or bicycle to school safely.
If you would like to walk, please join us in front of Jacobson Elementary at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 3.
If you have any questions, please call me at extension 353 or email me at kay.trampel@bkcsd.org.


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