Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Live Healthy Iowa Kids Program Parent Letter

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your son or daughter will be participating in a nutrition and physical activity program. Live Healthy Iowa Kids is a 100 day program for Iowa youth that teaches the importance of healthy eating, being physically active and that fitness is fun! This is the seventh year for the program and we wanted the youth of our community to join in the quest for healthy living. Live Healthy Iowa Kids is a program of the Iowa Sports Foundation dba Iowa Games in conjunction with Iowa State University Extension, Live Healthy Iowa and the Iowa Department of Public Health.

As a part of this program we will explore a wide variety of topics related to health and physical activity. Your child will be requested to track his or her physical activity minutes and nutrition. A large wall chart will be posted so the team members can see their achievements and be encouraged to continue being active. Each month I will report our team’s activity minutes and nutrition. If we meet the physical activity and nutrition requirements we will be placed in to a drawing to have a chance to win one of several monetary awards!

Team members will be encouraged to be active within their own comfort level. Our goal is to help each team member strive for and recognize gains in his or her fitness level and make healthy eating choices.

Please help us make Live Healthy Iowa Kids a successful program by encouraging your child and acting as a role model yourself. If you would like more information about the Live Healthy Iowa Kids program call me at extension 353 or visit www.iowasportsfoundation.org. You may also find information about it on my school blog: jacobsonelementarygymshorts.blogspot.com. 


Kay Trampel
PE teacher


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