Junior High 8th period PE student/parent letter
Sunday, January 13, 2013
If you are a new student to the class this semester, you will have to read the expectation sheet and then have it signed and turned back in to Mrs. Trampel. This sheet turned in counts for a grade. A sheet will be given out in class on the first day but you may also access it here on "Gymshorts" blog.
Something somewhat new this semester is a fitness class period at least once a week. If you have PE on a Wednesday, that will be considered Wellness Wednesday. If you don't have PE on a Wednesday of that week, then you will have it on Thursday. I will take into consideration the sports schedule and that could change to a Tuesday if need be. Fitness is an important in the health and well-being of our own physical bodies. We can't get better at it if we don't actually practice it.
Activities planned for the week of January 14-18
January 14- Green Day: Go over guidelines and expectations. New students to 8th hour will get their expectation sheet. Circle Kickball
January 15- Blue Day: Go over guidelines and expectations. New students to 8th hour will get their expectation sheet. Circle Kickball
January 16- Green Day: Early Out Wellness Wednesday
January 17- Blue Day: Fitness Training Thursday
January 18- Green Day: Circle Kickball
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