Every child is a winner

Every child is a winner

Important dates from the Jacobson Elementary PE Department

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March 2: Jump Rope for Heart
March 15: K-2nd grade Evening With the Specials
March 16-April 5: Live Healthy Iowa Kids 3rd Reporting period
March 17: 2nd reporting period sheet due
April 6-April 27: Live Healthy Iowa Kids 4th Reporting Period
April 7: 3rd reporting sheet due
April 7: 3rd-4th grade Evening With the Specials
April 29: 4th reporting sheet due
May 6: Go the Distance Day
May ?: Fishing Fieldtrips
May ?: Casting Competition
May 13: Bike Rodeo and Bicycle Safety
May 24: Elementary Track Meet
May 25: Raindate for Elementary Track Meet


PE classes for February 28-March 4

Kindergarten: Tumbling unit

1st/2nd grade: Tumbling and tag games

3rd/4th grade: Jump rope unit

5th/6th grade: Basketball unit


Second Reporting Period for Live Healthy Iowa Kids Will one of the Jacobson Elementary teams beat Mrs. Trampel?

The second reporting period has started for the Live Healthy Iowa Kids program.  Besides exercise minutes this time, the students are keeping track of their vegetable servings for each day.  This reporting period goes from February 16-March 15. 
There is a challenge in place.  Mrs. Trampel has challenged all nine Jacobson Elementary teams to beat her exercise minutes.  If any team or teams beat her total minutes, then the team will win an extra PE fun day.  That means that everyone on a team will not only have to exercise but get it turned in on time!  Their team average will be calculated and if it beats Mrs. Trampel's total minutes then the team will win the fun day.
The recording sheets will need to be turned in by March 17 to count towards the challenge.  If you need another sheet, log onto livehealthyiowakids.org.  Click on fitness plans under resources and choose the category individual activity/nutrition trackers. Click on the "easy way for kids to keep track of activity and nutrition for each reporting period.  Then click on the second reporting period and print it off.


In the first reporting period, our winner in the drawing for the first set of Speed Stacks was McKenna Pentico.  To be eligible for the drawing, a student had to have at least 1200 exercise minutes and turn in their reporting sheet  on time.  Congratulations to McKenna Pentico.


Jump Rope for Heart On Wednesday, March 2

The 3rd and 4th grade students will be particpating in the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart on Wednesday, March 2 at 10:30-11:40.  Students are obtaining pledges and donations to go towards helping to cure heart disease and strokes.  Then on March 2, they will jump on a jump rope team to help promote good exercise in the prevention of heart disease.  Students will also earn prizes according to the amount they obtain in donations.  Please contact a Jacobson Elementary 3rd or 4th grade student to donate towards this good cause.

Students will need to wear comfortable clothing with layers to take off if they get hot while jumping.  In honor of heart month, they may wear red cloting.  Students may also bring water bottles already filled, a blanket to sit on when not jumping and CDs to play for music.  Students should not bring Ipods or MP3 players.  Donation evelopes are due on March 2.  We will also have a memory "heart" once again this year.  Students may put up a "memory" heart in honor of a loved one who has past away from heart disease.

If you have any questions, please email or call Mrs. Trampel


Jacobson Elementary Walking Program for February 28-March 4

Monday, February 28: Pie in the Face with Mr. Lewis
Tuesday, March 1: Walking with the Belmond Medical Center and Wright Medical Center Employees
Wednesday, March 2: Cupstacking
Thursday, March 3: Walking
Friday, March 4: Walking


PE classes for February 21-March 4

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade-Tumbling activities: log roll, egg roll, forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, headstand.
3rd and 4th grade- basketball skills testing; short jump rope skills
5th and 6th grade- basketball unit


2nd Order for Speed Stacks

The first order of Speed Stacks was so popular and we have had several students ask about ordering again that we will be having a 2nd order to purchase Speed Stacks.  It will start February 22 and orders will be due on March 4.  You may go online to speedstacks.com to view the products or order from the order form that your child brings home.  Get in on the newest activity here at Jacobson Elementary.  The Speed Stacks make very good gifts for your child.  They love to play with them. Call me if you have any questions about it, please call me at extension 353.

Speed StacksĀ® Sets With Stacker Training DVD   



Jacobson Elementary Walking Program for February 21-25

Monday, February 21: Walking
Tuesday, February 22: Walking with Belmond Medical Center Employees
Wednesday, February 23: Walking with Ryan Dugger, 215 State Wrestling Qualifier Ryan will be here to sign autographs for the K-6 students
Thursday, February 24: Shooting baskets for K-1; Walking for 2-6
Friday, February 25: Long Jump Rope


Notes for the week of February 14-18

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Speedstacks were ordered last Tuesday.  When they get here, I will get them to the students.  If you didn't get to order but still would like to, please let me know.  We might be able to get enough of an order to order more.

Jump Rope for Heart will be February 23 for 3rd and 4th graders.  Sudents are getting donations for the American Heart Association.  Students have signed up online and some of them have even created their own webpage.


Live Healthy Iowa Kids First Reporting Period Sheet January 18-February 15

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Live Healthy Iowa Kids 2011
60 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week
Track how many fruits you eat each day
Please turn in your calendar to your Team Captain at the end of the month
First Reporting Period: January 18 – February 15, 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 18
February 1
Turn in sheet
to Team


SpeedStacks Orders Due Monday, February 7

Friday, February 4, 2011

Because of the snow days, the Speed Stacks(cup stacking) order forms are due Monday, February 7 instead of February 4.  Please have your orders turned in by then.  Remember that items are cheaper by going through the school order than ordering on your own.  The kids love them.  Great activity idea for the kids to use at home during these winter snow days.


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